ikh = pm.PyNode('ikHandle1')# list all available attrs to change
ikh.listAttr()# here's the one you need!

On Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 9:08:58 PM UTC-8, Adam Dalley wrote:

Hi all, pretty new to this stuff so bear with me :). I'm trying to figure 
> out how to get access to the 'Advanced Twist Controls' of an IK handle 
> using pymel.  I'm not seeing anything in the documentation but I'm probably 
> just looking in the wrong place. Any advice is much appreciated, cheers!
> <https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-chFekNIUgxg/WD-wS3-UQ2I/AAAAAAAAGJ4/9Waq8Qp9NvMzBYOmZM0xhbKgsmhqxRCqQCLcB/s1600/AdvancedTwist.PNG>
> ​

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