Hello everyone, I have a little problem with the PySide QSlider. I'm trying 
to draw text on the ticks of my QSlider. I saw that we could use 
"sliderValueFromPosition" to find the position but impossible to make it 
work correctly ... It always returns 0. I'll show you my code.

def __range_to_pos(self, value):

    qt_options = QtGui.QStyleOptionSlider()
    style = QtGui.QApplication.style()
    gr = style.subControlRect(style.CC_Slider, qt_options, style.
SC_SliderGroove, self)
    sr = style.subControlRect(style.CC_Slider, qt_options, style.
SC_SliderHandle, self)
    if self.orientation() == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal:
        slider_length = sr.width()
        slider_min = gr.x()
        slider_max = gr.right() - slider_length + 1
        slider_length = sr.height()
        slider_min = gr.y()
        slider_max = gr.bottom() - slider_length + 1
    return style.sliderValueFromPosition(
        slider_max - slider_min,

I made an alternative but I have a small lag on my offset. 
def __range_to_pos(self, value):

    i_percent_interval = 100.0 / (self.maximum() - 1.0)

    # Size from orientation
    if self.orientation() == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal:
        f_size = self.rect().width()
        f_size = self.rect().height()

    #   Calculate offset
    qt_font_metric = QtGui.QPainter(self).fontMetrics()
    f_text_size = float(qt_font_metric.width(str(value)))
    i_percent_offset = (f_text_size / f_size) * 100.0
    f_offset = f_size / 100.0 * i_percent_offset

    if value == 0:
        f_offset = 0.0
    elif value != self.maximum() - 1:
        f_offset /= 2.0

    #   Position
    x_pos = f_size / 100.0 * (i_percent_interval * value)
    if self.orientation() == QtCore.Qt.Horizontal:
        qt_pos = QtCore.QPoint(x_pos - f_offset, self.rect().bottom())
        qt_pos = QtCore.QPoint(self.rect().bottom(), x_pos - f_offset)

    return qt_pos

I find it a pity not to be able to operate the command of PySide. Does 
anyone know the solution?

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