First there is nothing wrong with the way you got it to work. 
Second, have you tried getting the plug straight from MSelectionList() ? it 
could work for you...


Yeah, maybe it works. If not, your way is fine too.
from maya.api import OpenMaya
from maya import cmds

pma = cmds.createNode('plusMinusAverage')
plug = OpenMaya.MSelectionList().add(pma+'.input3D[1].input3Dx').getPlug(0)

# Result: u'plusMinusAverage1.input3D[1].input3Dx' # 
# Result: 0.0 # 

plug2 = OpenMaya.MSelectionList().add('persp.t').getPlug(0)

pcst = cmds.createNode('parentConstraint')
plug3 = 
# Result: u'parentConstraint1.target[0].targetOffsetTranslate' # 
# Result: True # 

plug3b = 
# Result: 0.0 # 

# for some reason this does not work in a few of attributes (not sure why)
# rotatePivot
plugFail = OpenMaya.MSelectionList().add('persp.rotatePivot').getPlug(0)
# TypeError: item is not a plug # 
# Result: True # 

# which makes me get it the other way you mentioned
fnDg = 
plugRp = fnDg.findPlug('rotatePivot', False)
# Result: True # 
# Result: 3 # 


On Monday, August 27, 2018 at 7:22:31 AM UTC-7, Marcus Ottosson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m looking for how to query a compound plug within an array plug, by name.
> With non-compound attributes, you can query plugs using the function set.
> from maya.api import OpenMaya as om
> node = fn.create("wtAddMatrix")
> fn = om.MFnDependencyNode()
> nodeState = fn.findPlug("nodeState", False)
> Likewise, I can get to the compound plug and its first index like this..
> mplug = fn.findPlug("wtMatrix", False)assert mplug.name().rsplit(".", 1)[-1] 
> == "wtMatrix"assert mplug.isArray and mplug.isCompound
> first = mplug.elementByLogicalIndex(0)assert first.name().rsplit(".", 1)[-1] 
> == "wtMatrix[0]"
> And I can guess my way to the weightIn attribute, by grabbing it by an 
> arbitrary index.
> # wtAddMatrix#   [0]#      .matrixIn#      .weightIn#   [1]#      .matrixIn#  
>     .weightIn#    ..
> weigthIn = first.child(1)assert weigthIn.name().rsplit(".", 1)[-1] == 
> "weightIn"
> But how can I get to nested the wtAddMatrix.wtMatrix[0].weightIn 
> attribute by name?
> weightIn = ... # By name?
> Seeing as it’s the function set of a node that enables findPlug(), I 
> can’t figure out how to apply this to the MPlug itself.
> For the moment, I’ve “hacked” it by iterating through children till I find 
> a match.
> for index in range(first.numChildren()):
>   child = first.child(index)
>   if child.name().rsplit(".", 1)[-1] == "weightIn":
>     return child
> But it doesn’t look right.
> Any ideas?
> Best,
> Marcus

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