Hi all, I need some help with getting animation curves using OpenMaya.

I have 3 cases in which nodes in scene will be generated:

   - Manual keyed
   - By constrains
   - Use of anim layers

In my code, I was able to get the first scenario working. And so I thought 
it will work for the other 2 but turns out it is not.
Here is my code: https://pastebin.com/raw/YKupFfsW and I have attached a 
scene file for use.

In the code, if you un-comment `scenario1` and comment `scenario2`, I will 
get the following error:
# Error: (kInvalidParameter): Object is incompatible with this method
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<maya console>", line 66, in <module>
#   File "<maya console>", line 27, in rotation_check
# RuntimeError: (kInvalidParameter): Object is incompatible with this 
method # 

Whereas if you comment out `scenario1` and uncomment `scenario2`, a 
different error will be spawn if the specified node inputted is either 
["test_animLayer"] or ["test_constrained"]:
# Error: (kFailure): Object does not exist
# Traceback (most recent call last):
#   File "<maya console>", line 61, in <module>
#   File "<maya console>", line 42, in rotation_check
# RuntimeError: (kFailure): Object does not exist # 

1. My question here would be, why does the error between scenario differs 
(so much) at different line? I would have expected them to error out at 
line 27 in scenario 1, since "test_animLayer" and "test_constrained" are in 
the seelction...

2. Given in the above cases, is there an OpenMaya command that I can use to 
effectively determine either of the cases has an animation curve?

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Attachment: rotational_test.ma
Description: Binary data

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