I have two snippets that might help :

# First Snippet

import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui

view = omui.M3dView.active3dView()
x = view.portWidth()
y = view.portHeight()

# Second Snippet

import maya.OpenMayaUI as omui

mdag_path = om.MDagPath()
sel = om.MSelectionList()
sel.getDagPath(0, mdag_path)

# Create frustum object with camera.
draw_traversal = omui.MDrawTraversal()
                              "defaultResolution.height"))  # Use render's 

Im not sure to understand what you are trying to do. Are you trying to do 
something like this : https://github.com/imageworks/spReticle

On Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 8:30:23 PM UTC-5, kiteh wrote:
> I have a number of image planes (created using Free Image Plane), of 
> varying sizes. By varying sizes, I mean to say that the image sources are 
> of different dimensions. (No changes are made towards the scale attributes)
> Even so, I am trying to create a script in which it will allows me to 
> rearrange these image planes (spaced out nicely) if I choose a direction 
> (see attached)
> Currently, I was able to conjure up a script that allows me to grab all 
> the image planes based on the modelPanels of a specified camera. However I 
> have no clue on how should I query for the width or height of the viewport, 
> or the way of how these varying image plane sizes will fit to one of the 5 
> directions (top, left, right, bottom, all)
> Need some insights on how I should proceed or if this is even doable?
> [image: directions.png]

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