This not strictly related to maya but I wonder how you feel about it.
In sumary, I found my self in similar situations as this:
docstring example 

I think the link above isn't really answering what is was asked.
He was asking about docstrings and people where responding to comments. I 
agree that unless necesarry your code shouldn't need any comments if you 
respect some programing princpiples. So you never find your self in long 
functions that requieres explanations with comments. 

But what about the docstring in that example? If you are methodic in your 
documentation and document everything, you will end up many times writing 
docstrings longer than the functions it self. I don't think it is something 
bad,  just annoying.
Also some programs generate automatically documentation for your api. For 
instance I use sphinx-doc and all exisiting docstrings are parsed and 
nicely documented automatically.

what is your take on this?


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