
I've tested your app, and what happens really is that the cursor itself is moved at the beginning but the edit isn't scrolled to make it visible (if you press an hardware key or try to insert a few characters, you'll be then scrolled at the beginning). This seems to be the normal behaviour of windows ce.

There is at least 2 way to solve that:

1) Use the line proposed by Jared to make the conversion between unix and windows line endings, so the problem isn't even ask. I recommand you to use this in your case.

2) Make some "invisible" changes at the beginning of the Edit, so that the view is scrolled to show the change, you can use this snippet:

self.text_entry.selection = 0, 1
self.text_entry.selected_text = self.text_entry.selected_text
self.text_entry.selection = 0, 0

I think that, later, I'll surely implement scrolling methods so that kind of stuff could be done much more cleanly.

Hope it helps,
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