On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:45 AM, Luke Dunstan <coder_infi...@hotmail.com>wrote:

> No, as far as I know the project is not active. Personally I haven't used a
> Windows Mobile-based PDA or phone for years (right now I am using Android),
> so I am not really interested anymore. If anyone wants to work on new
> releases then I can add them to the project as a developer.

I have "working" build of python trunk. It has many rough edges (crashing

And few differences with previous versions, mainly:
current directory support is out,
support for native (and non-native for PocketPC) command line is in (while
keeping old pythonce ui interface supported).

I'm describing the port in my thesis (not finished yet) and I'm interested
in working on new releases and discussing the future of pythonce.

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