Robert Kern wrote:
> But please consider writing clear documentation telling people how to
> modify their $PATH, instead. 

If you do that please be sure to mention that you can also just use:


at the prompt and in the #! line of scripts.

You probably need to put "/usr/local/bin" in the PATH anyway, but it may 
or may not be before "/usr/bin". It's still a mystery to me why most 
systems don't have /usr/local/bin in the PATH by default.

By the way, modifying those sym links in Linux is probably not a good 
idea either. Some Linux systems use python for system services (RedHat 
and Gentoo, at least), and you wouldn't want to mess those up either.

I really wish system builders would hard-code the path or version of 
python in the system scripts, then this would be so much easier!


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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