Stewart Midwinter(e)k dio:
>> From: altern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: [Pythonmac-SIG] indentation problem
>> hi all
>> i have been developing some tutorials with PyOxide and now i find that
>> when i open them on Smultron the indentation is wrong.
> I use Smultron as well.  What do you mean, "the indentation is wrong"?
>  Too much indentation, not enough?
>> It tried to fix the indentation in one but there is something wrong
>> under the hood because then it complains at end of lines, it says the
>> syntax is wrong,
> What complains, Smultron?  What's the exact error message?

sorry. the exact problem was that something like this in pyoxide

def a():
        if x:

would look like this in smultron

def a():
        if x:

if i indented the pass line, then when running the code i got an error 
saying there was wrong syntax at the line return after "if x:"

But i solved this by changing the default option to save tabs as spaces 
in PyOxide, now Smultron opens them ok.

thanks for the tips

>> I was wondering if there is some way to automatically fix this or if i
>> have to go file by file fixing the indentation and line breaks.
> The most common source of problems with indentation is mixed use of
> tabs and space.  You should do one or other, preferably spaces.
> In Preferences > Advanced, check "Indent with spaces not tabs"
> In View, select Show Invisible Characters.
> This should help you track down the problem
> If you do have to change the indentation of a file, you don't need to
> edit lines individually. Select all lines in a block, then use
> Option-L to indent by 4 chars, or Option-K to outdent one char at a
> time.
>> The funny thing is that when i open them in Kate under debian they look ok.
> Kate is not a programming editor, so that proves nothing.
> cheers
> Stewart

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