The fix I have working for this now is to use a symbolic link to the directory where I keep my scripts.

Not quite as clean as just using the script name, but certainly better than typing out a long direct path.

I see what you are saying. It didn't occur to me that Python would not use any of those variables, not even $PYTHONPATH. Thank you for pointing that out.

I suppose the next best strategy should be to look into using a terminal shortcut to at least make the "cd" to the directory a bit less painful.

I guess I'm confused. There are only two ways to run a script: with the absolute path to the script, or with a relative path (from the same directory as the script, or with the path to the script in another directory in the same path hierarchy, i.e. "python foo/," in a subdirectory called foo).

All the variables you have set--$PATH, etc.-- help Terminal know where Python is. They do not help Python know where your script is.

Yes, I am aware that I could do that. I chose to only demonstrate the full path method rather than both ways to access the file in my example. The problem remains though, that every time I want to run a script in that directory, I'd have to type out the entire path, which is not ideal. Surely there must be a work around to allow me to only type in the script name, at least I assume there must be?

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