On 5/6/10 10:28 AM, Jan Erik Moström wrote:
I'm new to Tk so it might be something that I might be doing wrong but I have a 
crash that I can't find the cause to.

The error message I get on the crash is:

python(19468,0x7fff70f5cbe0) malloc: *** error for object 0x1002c5a10: double 
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap

This is using the standard 2.6.1 version on OS X 10.6.3, but version 2.5 give 
the same result.

When I try this using a linux box (v2.5.2) the program runs as it should.

I tried to using the debugger to single step through the critical lines and it 
seem to crash when it should return from a menu item handler.

The code for that handler looks like this

        def saveToFile(self):
                filename = dlg.asksaveasfilename()

Single stepping seem to indicate that the call to self._win.getText() works 
just fine, the store command saves some text to a file and the file is created 
with the correct text, but then something seem to happen:

(Pdb) s
->  self._storage.store(filename,self._win.getText())
(Pdb) s
2010-05-06 15:40:54.806 Python[19589:d07] *** __NSAutoreleaseFreedObject(): 
release of previously deallocated object (0x1011466f0) ignored

Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this?

The complete code is available at<http://tmp.myownsnapshots.com/pyproblem>  
(and yes, I know that the code looks a bit strange but I have my reasons :)

- jem

I'm able to run your code on Leopard (10.5.8) with Python 2.6.2 and a 64-bit Cocoa-based build of Tk (similar to the system Tcl/Tk on Snow Leopard) and I don't see any crashes; I'm not able to reproduce this error. You might actually want to consider filing a bug with Apple, because this type of crash is coming from deep within Python or Tk's internals--not in your code.


Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin
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