Hi folks,

I've just made a couple of changes to py-appscript:

- now supports Python 3.2 (Python 3.0 is no longer supported due to C
API changes)

- eliminated the osax module's dependency on deprecated Carbon APIs
(this should avoid problems for anyone submitting appscript-dependent
applications to the new app store, which bars the use of deprecated

Eliminating the osax module's dependency on OSAGetAppTerminology() did
mean one of two changes, however:

- restricting OSAX instances to using StandardAdditions only and using
a hardcoded terminology table instead of fetching the dictionary
dynamically (0.21.1 already used this approach in 64-bit)


- adding a basic sdef parser to osax.py, allowing OSAX instances to
retrieve terminology dynamically via OSACopyScriptingDefinition().

While I'm pretty confident StandardAdditions is the only osax that
anyone actually uses, I was a little reluctant to restrict the
advertised functionality now so went with the second option. There are
caveats with that too: the sdef parser ignores some of the less common
elements (e.g. synonyms), and sdef XMLs have their own problems as
well (e.g. OS X's aete->sdef converter may omit some four-char codes
and other information). Fingers crossed any compatibility problems
this causes are minor, otherwise I'll switch to the SA-only approach.

The changes are significant enough that I'd appreciate some other
folks giving it a try before I release it, so for now I've upped the
version number to 0.22.0 and left it in the svn trunk (rev 718):

svn checkout \
    https://appscript.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/appscript/py-appscript/trunk \

The main thing to check is that the osax module works on 10.4-10.6,
32- and 64-bit; I'd recommend trying it with third-party scripting
additions (http://osaxen.com) as well as StandardAdditions. A
double-check of the main appscript module would be good as well.

Also, I no longer have a 10.4 machine with Python 2.3 (the minimum
advertised requirements), so if anyone is able to test that
combination I would really appreciate it. (I've created the odd
compatibility problem in the past by using Python 2.4+ features
without realising.)

If no issues are reported, I will bump the version and make a final
1.0.0 release before the end of the year.



Learn AppleScript, 3rd edition, Sanderson & Rosenthal:
Control AppleScriptable applications from Python, Ruby and ObjC:
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