John> I'm totally new to Python and having worked in a windows
    John> environment for years and now my personal pc of choice is a mac.

    John> Would someone be so kind as to walk me through installing python
    John> on a mac?

    John> I don't want to use the newest version because the class that I'm
    John> trying to get into uses 2.6 and 2.7 versions only.  So, I need
    John> that version installed so I can do homework assignments, etc.

Have you tried /usr/bin/python?  On Leopard (10.5.x) it is v 2.5.1.  If you
have Snow Leopard perhaps it's 2.6.something.

If that won't work for your needs, just download the Mac installer image for
2.7.1 appropriate to your version of OS X from this page:

Once installed, locate the file (probably in ~/Downloads or something
similar) and double-click it to install in the usual manner.  I normally
just build from source (and don't bother with the framework stuff), so just
to confirm my instructions, I tried it out:

    * download
    * open the disk image (double click, use the "open" command from a shell
      prompt, etc)
    * open the corresponding volume which that mounts (named "Python 2.7.1")
    * double-click the Python.mpkg file to run the installer

The resulting binary is in

    /usr/local/bin/python (non-framework version)
    /usr/local/bin/pythonw (framework version)

I'm sure others more knowledgeable about Python-on-a-Mac will correct any
mistakes I've made.

Skip Montanaro - -
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -

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