On 1/20/11 4:51 PM, Adam Morris wrote:
I want one programming language that lets me solve my real

That to me, is what Python embodies.

yup -- it is applicable to a VERY wide range of problems.

But I'm still confused on some major points on what it offers.

 I use Xcode and Cocoa-Python, and
IMO it works great.  Is that using py2app "under the covers"?  This
is another reason not to install a non-system Python; it sometimes
screws up apps built using Xcode and Python.

I'm trying really hard to unpack this. I can't use XCode and the
py-objc bridge with my "installed" python 2.7 setup? (Installed isn't
quite the right word, I know.) Why not? I guess it's because something
is hard-coded somewhere ...

I don't particularly "need" XCode but I really want to understand this.

You can certainly use pyObjC without XCode. I've never tried to do python development in XCode, from the little I've read here it never seemed to be well supported. Maybe someone here can tell you how to use XCode / pyObjC for app development.

Note that Apple has added a couple proprietary bits to its python install, maybe XCode relies on those.

I would love to hear more about what you can and can't do with XCode.

Note that if XCode has a way to build a self-contained App, and it uses Apple's system python, you are going to either get something that won't work on older systems, or you are going to be using an older python. You can't re-distribute Apple's python.

Also -- Apple has NEVER upgraded a python it delivered. Most of the bugs fixed between X.1 and X.5 versions of python are unlikely to bite you, but I had at least one that did -- when I found it, it had been fixed in the python.org release, but not in Apples -- and Apple has still not fixed it -- so I don't know what I'd have done if I'd be confined to Apple's python. Yes, I'm confined to Apple's OS - but at least they do update that!

And Bill's right -- if you want to support other platforms, wxPython or pyQT is the way to go. (pyGTK is so non-native on the Mac I wouldn't consider it, and I don't think pyGUI is very mature yet)

(the binaries for wxPython work with both the Apple and python.org builds -- 32 bit only for the moment)


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