On 3/7/12 6:09 PM, Carlos Grohmann wrote:
Hi there,

I've been reasonably successful in building an app bundle with py2app.
I'm running OS X Lion, python 2.7.2 (from python.org), wxpython
2.9beta, and my app
uses matplotlib and numpy.

Using py2exe, the final folder has 14MB, or 11MB compressed.

Using py2app, the .app has 250MB (!) or 100MB compressed with Disk utility

Examining the Contents of the .app, I can see that there's A LOT of
stuff I don't need,
like Editra (11MB), Locales, or Matplotlib "tests" folder (38MB)

So, how could I remove these itens from my app?
I tried the 'excludes' option in py2app setup.py, but without any luck.

Also, what are those "codecs" in lib-dynload? I have no idea what they are.

my setup.py follows. (BTW, I tried to run it without any reference to
'wx' but then
the app crashes)

many thanks


I hope this isn't stating the obvious, but how about simply removing the unwanted bits after running setup.py? I run my py2app builds from a shell script because I have to do some additional manipulation of the app bundle. Here's an excerpt from my build script:


echo "Starting dist process..."

if [ -a cbk/Phynchronicity.dmg ]
rm cbk/Phynchronicity.dmg

if [ -a cbk/Phynchronicity.app ]
rm -rf cbk/Phynchronicity.app

python2.7 setup.py py2app

mkdir dist/Phynchronicity.app/Contents/lib

#copy the supporting libraries
for lib in libs/*
  echo "Copying $lib library..."
  cp -R -f $lib dist/Phynchronicity.app/Contents/lib

cp -rf dist/Phynchronicity.app cbk/Phynchronicity.app
ditto --rsrc --arch i386 --arch x86_64 cbk/Phynchronicity.app cbk/Phynchronicity_intel.app
rm -rf cbk/Phynchronicity.app
mv cbk/Phynchronicity_intel.app cbk/Phynchronicity.app

...and so on.

Hope this helps,

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin
Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org
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