I’m new to Python. I seem to have three partially installed Pythons on my Mac 

One from Apple
One from Homebrew
And one from the Python Mac installer

In particular, for example, I have a python executable in /usr/bin:

$ which python

This is an actual executable not a symkink. There are a whole bunch of python 
related files in that directory:

python           python-config    python2.6        python2.6-config python2.7   
     python2.7-config pythonw          pythonw2.6       pythonw2.7

I think they all came from the python.org python installer.

I would like to fully uninstall the Python (and related files) that I got from 
the Mac Python Installer from the python web site. I can’t find up to date 

Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks!

Pito Salas

Pythonmac-SIG maillist  -  Pythonmac-SIG@python.org
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