> On 16 Mar 2018, at 20:39, Ben Byram-Wigfield <ben...@me.com> wrote:
> I’m trying to use a Completion Handler block as an argument for a Cocoa 
> AVMIDIPlayer method:
> midiPlayer = 
> AVMIDIPlayer.alloc().initWithContentsOfURL_soundBankURL_error_(midiFile, 
> None, None)
> midiPlayer.prepareToPlay()
> midiPlayer.play_(myCompletionHandler)
> But I get:
> Argument 2 is a block, but no signature available
> From what I can find out, this points to a bit in the metadata of PyObjC that 
> needs a bit of work. Is that the case?

That’s correct.

> I’m using the default version 2.5.1 bundled with MacOS.

That’s your problem, 2.5 is ancient and unmaintained.  I’ve checked the 
metadata for PyObjC 4.2 (released yesterday) and that has metadata for this API.


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