Python runs just fine natively on M1 Macs. The <> 
installer will install a Universal2 binary (a single binary containing both the 
i386 and arm architectures).

If you install through brew you get the architecture your brew has been 
configured for.

But there _is_ a problem with native arm Python, and that is that not all 
extension packages (think: from pypi) have M1 versions available yet. This is 
especially true for packages that depend on external libraries (which may not 
have been ported to M1 yet).

The way I handle this on my (M1) development machine is that I have both 
versions of brew installed, which is easy because arm-brew installs into 
/opt/homebrew by default and intel-brew installs into /usr/local.

If I open a Terminal window it has /opt/homebrew/bin before /usr/local/bin in 
my $PATH, and the background is white.

If I open an iTerm window it runs in Rosetta intel emulation mode, it has 
/usr/local/bin before /opt/homebrew/bin, and the background is a creamy 
old-fashioned looking off-white color.

As long as I do builds in the window of the correct color, and the correct 
tools I need for building have been installed in the correct directory 
everything works fine.The white windows will use python3 for arm, the cream 
windows will use python3 for intel.
Jack Jansen, <>,
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman

> On 12 Jan 2022, at 17:29, Brian Herman <> wrote:
> Do you guys need an M1 mac to test out the latest python?
> I have an extra macbook air m1 I would be willing to give people access to it 
> so they can test the latest python and compile things or I could do it 
> manually.
> My brother said you guys didn't have one yet.
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