Hi Frank,

I first have to check that this new wrapper does not create any regression.
I will let you know when the new code is committed and ready for testing.

Best Regards,


2010/6/22 Frank Conradie <fr...@qfin.net>

>  Hi Thomas
> This is fantastic news, as it is the single biggest issue we have had to
> deal with (we have a complicated algorithm that generates hundreds/thousands
> of "intermediate" shapes while processing). Please let me know if you need
> some testing done. Any idea how long before you will commit?
> Regards,
> Frank Conradie
> On 22/06/2010 2:58 AM, Thomas Paviot wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I've been very busy these last weeks and I was not very active on this
> ml. I apologize if any of you didn't get any answer to his question although
> I regularly checked the ml activity.
>  However, the development on pythonOCC was not stopped and I've been
> working silently on fixing open issues, and I found *the* way to fix what
> was still unclear to me a few weeks ago: 1) memory leaks 2) TopExp_Explorer
> returned values 3) python lists of OCC objects that return the same object
> when iterated. Untill now, there are 3 tweaks to deal with these issues: 1)
> A customized garbage collector 2) hashes 3) use builtin OCC
> lists/arrays/sets etc.
>  It is clear that it's not robust enough to imagine using pythonOCC in
> some intensive modeling activities with thousands of objects, or run long
> term modeling programs (I mean, programs running for hours or days). The fix
> I'm working on will solve these 3 issues at the same time (no need for gc or
> special hashes) without modifying the API, with an overall performance
> improvement. In a few words, the idea is to move the 'return by reference'
> C++ mechanism to static casting to the C++ object in order to get clean
> python objects, properly deleted by python, the memory being freed by the
> OCC reference counting mechanism (that is to say, the behavior we should
> expect from a python wrapper!).
>  First results are promising. I'm waiting for this work to be completed
> before committing anything to the subversion repository. I will do it as
> soon as I'm satisfied with this new wrapper and when it's ready to be
> tested.
>  Best Regards,
>  Thomas
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