2013/4/2 Vin Yovanovich <fracta...@hotmail.com>

> I installed pythonOCC from master (3/28/2013) using a OCE 0.12 which I
> compiled from sources.

Hi Vin,

Thank you for this report.

> There were some issues with linking at one project so I had to comment in
> Sketcher.i code

With "some issues", do you mean many or only one?

> /*
> %nodefaultctor Sketcher_GUI;
> .
> .
> .
> %extend Sketcher_GUI {
> void _kill_pointed() {
>  delete $self;
> }
> };
> */

Interesting, I recently compiled latest pythonocc master on Win7 but did
not compiled geom. I have to check this out.

> And also I had to fix main cmake file as it was not pointing at the right
> source location from which it is supposed to install into OCC folder.

Can you post your fix here?

> Issuing python test_all.py goes up to test_through_sections
> (topology_building_unittest.TestTopologyBuilding) ... Test: through sections
> then Python crashes.

Strange, on my windows machine, all unittest runs fine.

>  However, what is more disturbing is that running python
> geometry_demos.py  gives
>  ###### 3D rendering pipe initialisation #####
> Display3d class initialization starting ...
> WNT Graphic device created.
> WNT window created.
> Viewer created.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "geometry_demos.py", line 70, in <module>
>     display, start_display, add_menu, add_function_to_menu = init_display()
>   File "d:\Python26\lib\site-packages\OCC\Display\SimpleGui.py", line 121,
> in init_display
>     win.canva.InitDriver()
>   File "d:\Python26\lib\site-packages\OCC\Display\wxDisplay.py", line 151,
> in InitDriver
>     self._display.Create()
>   File "d:\Python26\lib\site-packages\OCC\Display\OCCViewer.py", line 84,
> in Create
>     self.Init(self._window_handle)
> RuntimeError: Aspect_GraphicDeviceDefinitionError
> OpenGl_Window::CreateWindow: SetPixelFormat failed. Error code: 2000
> Is this some kind of incompatibility with Windows 7?

This one is a real issue. I have 2 Win7 machines: one installed on a Acer
netbook, and a VirtualBox VM running on OSX. The same pythonocc binary
fails on the Acer machine (with the SetPixelFormat error you report), and
works on the VM. I have the feeling that this has something to do with
OpenGl, but I can't figure out what's wrong. Maybe the way pythonocc
initializes the graphic driver/window has to be fixed.

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