My take would be to get familiar with topology traversal ( OCC.Utils.Topology, the Topo class ). Usually fillets have a particular aspect ratio ( wide and narrow ) and the radii of the surface is constant over the whole surface or in a single direction. So, start by looping through your topology and filter candidates. If you manage to do, than lets see how the surfaces incident to the fillet can be extended. There's an API for that.
Have you seen the doxygens btw? On May 10, 2013, at 8:07 PM, zl <> wrote: > I find it a kind of feature recognition task which depends on feature > definition. So a feature based system may be a "must" to govern this task. > If I am right,does pytonocc have some modules for buiding such a feature > based "middle layer", or is there any recommandations on choosen of other > tools,packages? the link below is from search, > > Thanks :] > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Pythonocc-users mailing list > > _______________________________________________ Pythonocc-users mailing list