Hello all,

I'm trying to determine if an edge intersects a face.

At the moment I'm using BrepExtrema_DistShapeShape to determine the minimum distance between edge and face, and if it is zero, there is an intersection. Unfortunately, this is painfully slow for >> 10000 edges.

I stumbled across IntTools_EdgeFace which seems to be exactly what I want, but I don't know how to use it to determine if an edge intersects the face. In particular, I don't understand the contents of CommonParts(). When I try to iterate over it, it won't let me.

Here's what i got so far: http://pastebin.com/z7vAsBJ7

Best regards,

Uwe Schlifkowitz -- Software Engineer
INTALES GmbH Engineering Solutions
Innsbrucker Str. 1
A-6161 Natters

Phone: +43 512 54611114  --  schlifkow...@intales.com

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