Dear Pablo,

you could use BRepAlgoAPI_Cut and it's Generated/Modified methods to achieve 
I am thinking of something along these lines:

a) Perform the cut using a halfspace:
        CutPln = gp_Pln(gp_Ax3(P0, gp_Dir(0,0,1)))
        CutPlnFace = BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(CutPln, -d, d, -d, d).Face() 
        aHalfSpace=BRepPrimAPI_MakeHalfSpace(CutPlnFace, P0).Solid()
        brepbuilder=BRepAlgoAPI_Cut(SolidToCut, aHalfSpace)    
        newShape= brepbuilder.Shape()
with appropriate values

b) Inspect the result:
        input_shapes=[SolidToCut, aHalfSpace]
        if brepbuilder.HasGenerated():
            print "HAS GENERATED"
            # shapes generated for input/tool-shape
            for in_shape in input_shapes:
                gen_shapes = brepbuilder.Generated(in_shape)
                itr = TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape(gen_shapes)
                while itr.More():       
                    this = itr.Value()
                    print "Shape generated by cut is of type", this.ShapeType()
                    if this.ShapeType()==TopAbs_FACE:
                        # do something with this face   
            # shapes generated for the faces of input/tool-shape
            for in_shape in input_shapes:
                for face in Topo(in_shape).faces():
                    gen_shapes = brepbuilder.Generated(face)
                    itr = TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape(gen_shapes)
                    while itr.More():
                        this = itr.Value()
                        if this.ShapeType()==TopAbs_FACE:
                                # do something with this face   
Depending on what you are interested in you also might want to look at 
and brepbuilder.IsDeleted() methods as well.

Hope this helps,

Am 16.06.2013 um 08:39 schrieb Pablo Mosteiro:

> I need to cut a solid in half and then have "access" to the plane in each
> solid that was generated by the cut. For instance, suppose the solid is a
> donut and I'm cutting it in half diametrically. I need "access" to the two
> circles that are formed by the cutting plane.
> By "access" I mean know their location so that I can do something like draw
> dots on them.
> Currently I'm making the cut by defining a box that is half the size of the
> original object and taking the common volume using BRepAlgoAPI_Common
> But then I don't have any knowledge of what are the planes generated by this
> cut.
> Is anyone familiar with this? Can you give help, please?
> Thanks!
> Pablo
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