Hi all,

i have a wire and i want to know the length of each the edges contained
therein. Here's my code:

eExp = TopExp_Explorer(wire, TopAbs_EDGE)
while eExp.More():
  ch, first, last = BRep_Tool.Curve(TopoDS_edge(eExp.Current()))
  adapt = GeomAdaptor_Curve(ch)
  length = GCPnts_AbscissaPoint_Length(adapt)
  print first, last, length

This is the output:

0.0 23.004116816 23.0011101003
0.0 3238.42627855 3239.83453621
2.596964863 30.1666351069 27.539651501
0.0 3.34739451039 3.3279245656
0.0 3219.86594156 3217.1657437
0.0 4.7325584593 4.71071056854

>From what I read in the docs, i would have expected length == last -
first but it is not.
What do first and last mean in the code above?

The code above is part of a program to identify some given points along
a wire.
Input data:
  a wire
  a set of points on the wire. All of the points are on the wire, but
the wire can have additional vertices.

Desired output: A parameter for each point from the set on the wire so i
can use BRepAdaptor_Curve.Value(parameter) and/or split the wire at the
location of each point.

Does anyone know of a better approach to this than to sum up edge

Best regards,

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