Hi! I'm building an algorithm to construct a NURBS surface with pythonnocc 
and need to export it to a STEP file.

I construct a Geom_BSplineSurface with the command line

stepnurbs = Geom_BSplineSurface(stepptosctrl, steppesos, stepuknots, 
stepvknots, stepumults, stepvmults, k-1, l-1, 0, 0)

where all the parameters are already defined and it works well. Then I try 
to write it to a STEP file with the following lines

stepexporter = STEPControl_Writer()
stepexporter.Transfer(stepnurbs, STEPControl_AsIs)

and I get the message error

TypeError: in method 'STEPControl_Writer_Transfer', argument 2 of type 
'TopoDS_Shape const'

At GitHub, I was told to execute the command

TopoDS_face(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(stepnurbs, ...

but I still get a message error as below

TypeError: in method 'new_BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace', argument 1 of type 
'TopoDS_Wire const'

Sorry if this may seems a noobie question, but I am not an specialist in 
python or opencascade, just starting to learn. :)

Best regards.

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