[simpler way] glad to hear it.
If I succeed with your version combination (OCE 0.14 and

I could show you how I made nixos compile master and with oce-0.12

It basically is a set of "versions which should work" and a function (not posted) turning this into build recipes.

      set_git = rec { # by gmane mail tpaviot says this should work ..
# fails: geom: BooleanOperations_IndexedDataMapOfShapeAncestorsSuccessors.hxx is missing
        occ = pkgs.opencascadeCommunityFork.override { version = "0.12"; };
        pythonocc_extra = [ cmake_stuff {
          patchPhase = ''
sed -i "s@os.environ\['CSF_GraphicShr'\] = util.find_library('TKOpenGl')@os.environ['CSF_GraphicShr'] = '${occ}/lib/libTKOpenGl.so'@" src/addons/Display/OCCViewer.py
        } ];
        pythonocc = pythonocc_git;
        geom = geomFun { inherit pythonocc occ; };
        smesh = smeshFun { inherit pythonocc occ; };
        extraIncludes = "-I${smesh}/include/smesh -I${geom}/include/geom";

Trying to compile pythonocc-master with OCE 0.14 (without knowing which benefits this will have).

Then choosing the OCC version can be done by setting env vars (such as PYTHONPATH).

If you're interested I can show you

Marc Weber

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