Occ.dataexchange.utils offers a nice shortcut, file_to_shape and shape_to_file 
provide nice short hands for writing to Brep, stl IGES and step files, and 
reading from these files.


> On 22 apr. 2014, at 15:32, Dalton <dfazan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Charles Sharman <charles.sharman@...> writes:
>> Hi Dalton,
>   Hi, Charles! Really sorry the late reply, had some issues at my work last 
> weeks... :)
>> I missed a small nuance in your code in my last two posts:
>> TopoDS_Face(...
>> Should be
>> TopoDS_face(...
>> Note the lower-case "face".  Can you try it and confirm you no longer get
> an 
>> error?  I'd like to make sure there is no pythonOCC/OCC issue here.
>> After analyzing the OCC documentation, BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace returns a 
>> TopoDS_Face.  Therefore, my original directions to convert with
> TopoDS_face  
>> before sending it to stepwriter were unnecessary.  (I'm learning something 
>> here too.)  So, I believe your latest/greatest code is fine, and there is
> no 
>> error in your surface.  Could you still try TopoDS_face(..., though, to
> ice 
>> this off?
>> Thanks,
>> Charles
>   Well, just changing the case and it worked properly too! Here are the 
> lines added/modified, so you can check if we did the right thing:
> from OCC.TopoDS import TopoDS_face
> (...)
> stepnurbs = Geom_BSplineSurface(stepptosctrl, steppesos, stepuknots, 
> stepvknots, stepumults, stepvmults, k-1, l-1, 0, 0)
> stepnurbs = TopoDS_face(BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace(stepnurbs.GetHandle(), 1e-
> 6).Shape())
> stepwriter = STEPControl_Writer()
> stepwriter.Transfer(stepnurbs, STEPControl_AsIs)
> stepwriter.Write(arquivosaida)
>   Thanks for the help again!
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