Hi Xiaofan

<I mean why your program finds this very old version of
<libusb Windows dll? You probably want to use the latest
<version of libusb Windows release and put the dll in the
<right directory.
This problem does not occur on my machine but my client's.
I have no influence on that setup, and it works for him.

>> < Why it crashed?
>> I don't know.
I will post the crash dump later.

> The registry thingy has nothing to do with your problem.

Therefore I asked what the registry is good for.
It seems absolutely useless in the case of device <-> driver relationship.
So whiy does the control panel list the installed drivers if nobody will care?
There was a big misunderstanding in the role and authority of the registry on my side.
So I will resign. Sorry Microsoft, lost chance.
Sincerely Hermann
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