Pintoch added a comment.

It might be worth giving the bot author some control over this feature:

  • there should be some opt-in / opt-out mechanism
  • there should be some control over what constitutes a batch. Some users might want to create multiple logical batches during the same run of a bot, or share the same batch id across consecutive runs of the same python script (for instance if it is called by a bash script…

Note that this EditGroups tool is not part of mediawiki and can break in various ways - for instance, if it is down, the links in the summaries will be dead.
Also, this tool is specific to Wikidata - it will not make any sense to add these links if the MediaWiki instance is not Wikidata.
Generalizing the tool to other Wikibase instances is possible but this will induce a different syntax for the edit summaries, so this should probably be configurable in some way.



To: Pintoch
Cc: Pintoch, jayvdb, Framawiki, Aklapper, pywikibot-bugs-list, Bugreporter, Tbscho, MayS, Mdupont, JJMC89, Avicennasis, mys_721tx, Ricordisamoa, Dalba, Masti, Alchimista, Rxy
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