Urbanecm added a comment.

  In T71283#5446690 <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T71283#5446690>, 
@zhuyifei1999 wrote:
  > In T71283#5446608 <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T71283#5446608>, 
@Urbanecm wrote:
  >> name=user-config.py
  >>   accounts = {
  >>       "oznamovatel": {
  >>           "username": "Oznamovatel",
  >>           "oauth": [ consumer key, consumer secret, client key, client 
secret ]
  >>       },
  >>       "urbanecmbot": {
  >>           "username": "UrbanecmBot",
  >>           "oauth": [ consumer key, consumer secret, client key, client 
secret ]
  >>       }
  >>   }
  >>   usernames['wikipedia']['cs'] = [  'urbanecmbot', 'oznamovatelbot' ] # 
both urbanecmbot and oznamovatelbot used
  >>   usernames['wikipedia']['en'] = [  'urbanecmbot' ] # only urbanecmbot used
  > I like the idea of supporting OAuth tokens for an infinite number of users 
per site. However, given that the user is provided by command line, and that 
the family/lang tuple is provided in the site constructor, what is the point of 
providing a user list per site? It is not like pywikibot will attempt to 
fallback through this list.
  True that, it can be just one username per site, the preferred one? But 
listing that usernames can be actually useful as a safeguard, to not allow an 
username that's defined, but not allowed in usernames list, in case I don't 
want to use one username somewhere for some reason. Feel free to make it only 
default username, that's fine as well, just thinking loud :).
  >> To put it simply, Czech Wikipedia is less developped than the English one 
speaking of policies, which leaves us with only a policy about how a human can 
become an admin, but none policy about how can a computer/bot become an admin. 
Bureacurats don't want to implement a precedent with granting sysop rights to 
alterego accounts, which is what bot account kinda-is. For instance, all my 
adminbot activity is distinguished only by summary prefixed with `Bot`, and 
runs from my own account.
  > This is risking your own personal account getting blocked for bot activity, 
in the case that it malfunctions.
  I'm not saying that's the best way, I'm just saying that's the reason why it 
is separated :).



To: Huji, Urbanecm
Cc: Urbanecm, Dvorapa, Huji, Dalba, zhuyifei1999, Sn1per, Aklapper, 
Ciencia_Al_Poder, gerritbot, XZise, jayvdb, Ricordisamoa, pywikibot-bugs-list, 
Hook696, Daryl-TTMG, RomaAmorRoma, 0010318400, E.S.A-Sheild, joker88john, 
Viztor, DannyS712, CucyNoiD, NebulousIris, Wenyi, Gaboe420, Versusxo, 
Majesticalreaper22, Giuliamocci, Adrian1985, Cpaulf30, Af420, Darkminds3113, 
Bsandipan, Lordiis, Adik2382, Th3d3v1ls, Ramalepe, Liugev6, Tbscho, MayS, 
WSH1906, Lewizho99, Mdupont, JJMC89, Maathavan, Altostratus, Avicennasis, 
mys_721tx, Masti, Alchimista, Rxy
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