Dear pywikibot users,

Please be advised that "sysopnames" is now deprecated. For all actions that
rely on a sysop account (such as deletion or protection), the code now
checks the rights of the bot user (as defined by the "usernames" array) and
if that user has the necessary right to perform the action, it will be
used. If not, an attempt will still be made to use the sysop account as
defined in the "sysopnames" array. However, we will soon clean up the code
to remove this feature altogether.

If a user wants to use different accounts for different actions, then the
bot script must explicitly use multiple instance of the Site class. Once we
completely remove support for "sysopnames", users who relied on the dualism
it caused will be left with a few choices: either get their main account
promoted to sysop (or any other group that has the desired rights), or
update the bot script such that it explicitly enforces the use of a second
account. While we are working on proving a cleaner example of how to deal
with two accounts in the bot script, you can refer to this comment on
Phabricator <> as a starter.

This has been a long-desired change in pywikibot code base (see T71283
<>). You can contribute to this
movement by removing "sysopnames" from your bot's and
reporting any issues that arise afterwards. You can also help us by
updating the documentation on the MediaWiki wiki (for instance here


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