Just for test I tried git push instead of review. It asked for my user name
and password, and I got this (password is correct, I just logged in to
gerrit in browser):

c:\Pywikibot-dev\core>git push
warning: failed to probe 'https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/' to detect provider
warning: An error occurred while sending the request.
warning: see https://aka.ms/gcm/autodetect for more information.
fatal: An error occurred while sending the request.
fatal: A k├ęrelmet megszak├ştott├ík: Nem siker├╝lt l├ętrehozni az SSL/TLS
biztonságos csatornát.
Username for 'https://gerrit.wikimedia.org': binbot
Password for 'https://bin...@gerrit.wikimedia.org':
warning: auto-detection of host provider took too long (>2000ms)
warning: see https://aka.ms/gcm/autodetect for more information.
remote: Unauthorized
fatal: Authentication failed for '
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