When we do a help request in the ipython 
we get for instance for lxml.get_include this output

Signature: lxml.get_include()
Returns a list of header include paths (for lxml itself, libxml2
and libxslt) needed to compile C code against lxml if it was built
with statically linked libraries.
File:      ~/anaconda3/lib/python3.5/site-packages/lxml/__init__.py
Type:      function

When we look the help in the interactive help we obtain:

Object: lxml.get_include, class: function, repr: <function get_include at 

Returns a list of header include paths (for lxml itself, libxml2
and libxslt) needed to compile C code against lxml if it was built
with statically linked libraries.

Expecially the "Signature" is iinformation that you miss while you are 
typing and often you really need to 

go to the console and use the "?" to get this information, this is 
something tedious and would be nice to have it available directly in the

interactive help


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