I've been working on moving our phabricator instance off of persona
before that system is turned off in a few months.

I have an extension deployed in staging and I'd like it to see a bit
more testing before looking into deploying it in production.


To link your existing account (on staging, this won't work on the
production instance yet) to the new auth method:

1. Click on the "user" button next to the search bar when logged in

2. Click on "manage" on the left hand side of the screen

3. Click on "edit settings" on the right hand side of the screen

4. Click on "External Accounts"

5. Click on "Ipsilon" under "Add External Account

6. Log in with your FAS credentials.

Please let me know if you try this and are successful or if you run
into problems. I haven't been able to reproduce the 500 issue with
persona on stg but I suspect it's intermittant and will try again later
to see if I can fix it enough to be somewhat reliable.


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