On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 4:11 PM, Tim Flink <tfl...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 8 Feb 2017 08:26:30 -0500 (EST)
> Kamil Paral <kpa...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I think another question is whether we want to keep assuming that the
> *user supplies the item* that is used as a UID in resultsdb. As you say,
> it seems a bit odd to require people to munge stuff together like
> "namespace/module#commithash" at the same time that it can be separated
> out into a dict-like data structure for easy access.
Emphasis mine. I think that we should not really be assuming that at all.
In most cases, the item should be provided by the trigger automagically,
the same with the type. With what I'd like to see for the structured input,
the conventions module could/should take that data into account while
constructing the "default" results.
Keep in mind, that the one result can also have multiple "items" (as it can
have a multiple of any extra data field), if it makes sense. One, the
"auto-provided" and the second could be user-added. That would make it both
consistent (the tirgger generated item) and flexible, if a different "item"
makes sense.

Would it make more sense to just pass in the dict and have semi-coded
> conventions for reporting to resultsdb based on the item_type which
> could be set during the task instead of requiring that to be known
> before task execution time?
> Something along the lines of enabling some common kinds of input for
> the resultsdb directive - module commit, dist-git rpm change, etc. so
> that you could specify the item_type to the resultsdb directive and it
> would know to look for certain bits to construct the UID item that's
> reported to resultsdb.

Yup, I think that setting some conventions, and making sure we keep the
same (or at least very similar) set of metadata for the relevant type is a
I mentioned this in the previous email, but I am, in the past few days,
thinking about making the types a bit more general - the pretty specific
types we have now made sense, when we first designed stuff, and had a very
narrow usecase.
Now that we want to make the stack usable in stuff like Platform CI, I
think it would make sense to abstract a bit more, so we don't have
`koji_build`, `brew_build`, `copr_build` which are essentialy the same, but
differ in minor details. We can specify those classes/details in extradata,
or could even use multiple types - having the common set of information
guaranteed for all the 'build' type, and add other kind of data to
`koji_build`, `brew_build` of `whatever_build` as needed.

> Using Kamil's example, assume that we have a task for a module and the
> following data is passed in:
>   {'namespace':'someuser', 'module':'httpd', 'commithash':'abc123df980'}
> Neither item nor type is specified on the CLI at execution time. The
> task executes using that input data and when it comes time to report to
> resultsdb:
>   - name: report results to resultsdb
>     resultsdb:
>       results: ${some_task_output}
>       type: module
> By passing in that type of module, the directive would look through the
> input data and construct the "item" from input.namespace, input.module
> and input.commithash.
> I'm not sure if it makes more sense to have a set of "types" that the
> resultsdb directive understands natively or to actually require item
> but allow variable names in it along the lines of
>   "item":"${namespace}/${module}#${commithash}"

I'd rather have that in "conventions" than the resultsdb directive, but I
guess it is essentialy the same thing, once you think about it.

> > > My take on this is, that we will say which variables are provided
> > > by the trigger for each type. If a variable is missing, the
> > > formula/execution should just crash when it tries to access it.
> >
> > Sounds reasonable.
> +1 from me as well. Assume everything is there, crash if there's
> something requested that isn't available (missing data etc.)
yup, that's what I have in mind.

> > We'll probably end up having a mix of necessary and convenience
> > values in the inputdata. "name" is probably a convenience value here,
> > so that tasks don't have to parse if they need to use it in a certain
> > directive. "epoch" might be an important value for some test cases,
> > and let's say we learn the value in trigger during scheduling
> > investigation, so we decide to pass it down. But that information is
> > not that easy to get manually. If you know what to do, you'll open up
> > a particular koji page and see it. But you can also be clueless about
> > how to figure it out. The same goes for build_id, again can be
> > important, but also can be retrieved later, so more of a convenience
> > data (saving you from writing a koji query). This is just an example
> > for illustration, might not match real-world use cases.
> I mentioned this in IRC but why not have a bit of both and allow input
> as either a file or on the CLI. I don't think that json would be too
> bad to type on the command line as an option for when you're running
> something manually:
>   runtask sometask.yml -e "{'namespace':'someuser',\
>                     'module':'somemodule', 'commithash': 'abc123df980'}"
> There would be some risk of running into the same problems we had with
> AutoQA where depcheck commands were too long for bash to parse but
> that's when I'd say "you need to use a file for that" or see if there
> was another solution to whatever required input that was too long for
> bash.
I think Kamil already replied to this - his idea was to have a possibility
to just read from stdin. Which is IMO somewhat the same, but at the same
time better - as you can just "cat" the contents of a file you prepared to
the command, whithout needing to have that awfully lenghty command line.
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