Hi All,
We started doing the AOO 4.1 Function Verification test(FVT), here is the
weekly update (1/13 - 1/17):

*Test execution:*
1.  New feature testing on comments/Annotations on text ranges - Ongoing
Bugs found: (red one is critical)
Bug 124030 - Failed to open ODT file exported from AOO with
comment/annotation in original docx file (fix submitted by Oliver, will
verify with next build)
Bug 124028 - Highlight of commented/annotated text range gets lost when
export as PDF by AOO
Bug 124027 - The list numbers/bullets in comment/annotation get lost when
import .docx file to AOO

2.  Improved feature testing on In-place editing of Input Fields - Complete
Bugs found:
Bug 123827- [Accessibility][IA2]Focus value of Field function type list
can't be identified in writer
Bug 123828 - [Accessibility]Tab Key can't travel in input field dialogue in
Bug 123825 - The content change when importing .docx with “Date" field
Bug 123826 - The content lost when importing .docx with “Fill-in" field

3. Existing feature on 3 APP testing - Ongoing
We have assigned 287 text executions to about 5 volunteers, and completed
about 13.8% in execution (150 test executions done). We are far from and
tight to finish feature FVT before Feb 13 with current resource. I have
sent 2nd call for volunteers in community.

    Total    Not Run    Passed    Failed    Blocked    Completed [%]
Debian Linux 64bit    56    7    36    10    3    87.5
MacOS X    209    185    15    9    0    8.13
Redhat Linux 32bit    69    67    0    2    0    2.90
Redhat Linux 64bit    222    219    3    0    0    1.35
Ubuntu Linux 64bit    167    165    2    0    0    1.20
Windows 7    180    125    38    17    2    31.67
Windows 8    182    169    11    2    0    7.14
Total    1085    937    105    40    5    13.8

*Defect summary:* see above bug lists in Test execution

*Issues & quality highlight:*
1. We have execution gap in FVT test as lack volunteers in testing, have
sent the 2nd call for volunteers
2. Build for Mac 64bit is not available in buildbot and dev snapshot
3. Build for Linux is not available in dev snapshot

*Volunteer status: *
1. No new volunteers(total 5 so far) on FVT execution work, 2 person(Edwin
and Liu Ping) ask for more as they have completed their assignment

*Plan for next week:*
1. Continue to do FVT test on Mac, Linux and Windows
2. Continue to do testing on comments/Annotations on text ranges
3. Summarize high priority issues in Bugzilla

Thanks you all for effort this week, let's continue and make progress next

Yu Zhen

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