
I have created a toolset for app deployment. The toolset consist of some tool 
applications, scripts, images and qbs modules. The apps (and other staff) 
declared as products within qbs project.
To make toolset available for all projects, I've added qbs modules to search 
path by ' qbs config preferences . qbsSearchPaths  my/toolset/default/location '
And here are 2 issues:

1. Toolset uses it's own modules to deploy itself. That works fine, but if it 
is already installed, there are 2 same modules in different locations 
(my/toolset/repo/clone vs my/toolset/defult/location) and qbs throws an error. 
I have to delete installed toolset if I want to build the updated one. And 
module version property is not suit for me, because other modules could be 
updated while depoy module version remains the same. Is something to allow 
select module explicitly (like Depends{ name: "someModule"; path: 
"path/to/someModule" }) is planned?

2. I've tried to use windeployqt --dry-run to collect deployment rule output 
artifact list, but multiple tools are located in the same folder and that leads 
to artifact collisions. So, I've removed them from build graph, however there 
is a racing could happen now. Is there some designed solution for this case?
I've seen some mentions about planned win(mac)deployqt replacements for qbs, 
but cannot find any related tickets to follow. Is that actually planned?

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