On Mon, 3 Feb 2020 18:09:57 +0100
Raphael Cotty <raphael.co...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I was using it at the project level which was obviously wrong.
> I managed to change all the occurrences of the test by moving them in the
> condition of the different products.
> Except in this case:
> Depends {
>         name: "Qt";
>         submodules: ["widgets"]
>         condition: !qbs.architecture.contains("arm")
>     }
> Is there a way to use the qbs.architecture to select the depend?

Not with auto-detected values, because the Probes run much later.

> QtCreator regularly overwrites the profile config file. I used to add the
> qbs.architecture property in the file and it gets wiped out from time to
> time.

The file belongs to Qt Creator, don't edit it. Instead, set the property via 
"additional qbs properties" in the Kit widget.

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