I have been struggling with setting up Qbs inside Qt Creator so it uses 
clang-cl on Windows. On the command line it is auto-detected and works just 
fine. In QtC I need to add manually compilers for C and C++, both set to 
clang-cl.exe (in c:/program files/llvm/bin). Then I add new Kit and specify 
these compilers. All seems fine. QtC also adds new profile in Qbs section with 
data identical to those auto-detected on the command line. So again, seems 
fine. But it still does not work, the error:
warning: Error: TypeError: Result of expression 'qbs.compilerName' [undefined] 
is not an object.
And yet the compilerName is indeed set correctly in the profile. Is it a bug in 
QtC? Or am I doing something wrong?
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