Interesting, I do not get that error. Maybe Christian knows better why this 
could happen?

The following example works for me on Mac:

CppApplication {
    name: qbs.profile
    consoleApplication: true
    Profile {
        name: "a"
        baseProfile: project.profile
        cpp.defines: 'MAGIC_MACRO="a"'
    Profile {
        name: "b"
        baseProfile: project.profile
        cpp.defines: 'MAGIC_MACRO="b"'
    qbs.profiles: ["a", "b"]
    files: [ "main.cpp" ]
    install: true
    installDir: "bin"

Note, that I had to change the product name, otherwise I get a conflict - there 
are 2 artifacts with the same name which are built to the same location (which 
is reasonable, but should not be your case).
Also, I have to set consoleApplication to ‘true' since there’s a bug macOS 
bundle module - the product is not linked at all when trying to multiplex 
profiles. Should not be a problem in your case either.
The bottom line is that I get 2 binaries, a and b each getting it’s own defines.


> 7 июня 2020 г., в 14:18, Raphael Cotty <> написал(а):
> Hi,
> Looking into that...
> So I have a simple example like that:
> Application {
>     Profile {
>         name: "a"
>         baseProfile: project.profile
>     }
>     Profile {
>         name: "b"
>         baseProfile: project.profile
>     }
>     qbs.profiles: ["a", "b"]
>     files: [ "main.cpp"
>     ]
> }
> I get this error: Result of expression 'qbs.targetOS' [undefined] is not an 
> object. In NativeBinary.qbs
> Am I missing something here? The targetOS property is not set when the 
> Profile appears in the Product?
> Thanks
> Raph
> Le dim. 7 juin 2020 à 10:51, Иван Комиссаров < 
> <>> a écrit :
> Hello, Raphael!
> I’ve seen your new patch and it looks really interesting.
> So, for now, you have 2 separate patches for the AAB support, right?
> [0] 
> <>
> [1] 
> <>
> The multiplexing over type seems to be a very useful feature, but I’m afraid 
> it’s not that easy to implement. I find it useful to multiplex a library over 
> "staticlibrary"/"dynamiclibrary" types, but how do I link to such a 
> multiplexed library? I am not sure it’s the simplest way to go.
> I would like to suggest similar solution which would not require (at least, 
> for now) radically changing the way how multiplexing works.
> Could you please try this approach:
> 1. Introduce "property string packageType" with 2 (3 values?) - «apk», «aab», 
> (undefined?) in the sdk module and make rules dependent on that. Undefined 
> could be used for console applications (see below).
> 2. Change the type of the Android product from «android.apk» to 
> «android.package» (or even simply use «application» if possible)
> 3. Set the new property in the Application.qbs by default, e.g. to preserve 
> the old behavior, you can do like this:
> NativeBinary {
>     type: isForAndroid && !consoleApplication ? «Android.package» : 
> «application» // could it be simply «application»?
>     sdk.packageType: !consoleApplication ? «apk» : undefined
> }
> Now, you want to build both apk and aab in one go. You can use multiplexing 
> over profiles:
> Application {
>     Profile {
>         name: «a»
>         sdk.packageType: «apk»
>         baseProfile: project.profile
>     }
>     Profile {
>         name: «b»
>         sdk.packageType: «aab»
>         baseProfile: project.profile
>     }
>     qbs.profiles: [«a», «b»]
> }
> Will that work? If no, would it be possible to make it working?
> Note that this is pseudo code, feel free to change the details.
> Ivan.
>> 17 апр. 2020 г., в 13:03, Raphael Cotty < 
>> <>> написал(а):
>> The android tool aapt2 manages resources. Some output files required for the 
>> aab package need to be in the protobuf format. Also the generated by 
>> aap2 is different from apk to aab.
>> That's what I meant by context.
>> The aab package doesn't need the apk package to be built.
>> Because both packages need exactly the same input and because some of the 
>> rules are the same (java ones, dex one) I think it makes sense to build both 
>> packages by the same product.

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