Hi Ulrich,

On 29/07/20 10:07, Jochen Ulrich wrote:
> I guess the issue here is that FileTaggers are disabled in this case:
>> File taggers are disabled if file tags are set explicitly in a product or 
>> group.
>> For example, the "cpp" tag is not attached to the .cpp files in the 
>> following product
> (see https://doc.qt.io/qbs/qml-qbslanguageitems-filetagger.html#details)

It's not clear to me whether this applies to my case too: my group is
not specifying a file list, but it's using the fileTagsFilter to
populate itself. And in the fileTagsFilter documentation it's written (

"The file tags that the group's fileTags property specifies will be
added to the matching artifacts."

which seems to be exactly my use-case.

> But normally, it is not a problem to set those tags via a Group when 
> organizing the Groups accordingly.
> For example you could have a dedicated Group for those resources. Something 
> like
> Group {
>         name: "Resources"
>         fileTags: embedAsResource ? ["qt.core.resource_data"] : []
>         qbs.install: !embedAsResource
>         qbs.installDir: "share/" + project.relativePluginDir
>         qbs.installSourceBase: "../"
>         files: [
>               "file1.qml",
>               "file2.qml",
>               "file3..png",
>               "file4.gif",
>          ]
> }

Yes, this would work, but I'm writing a generic QBS item, that's why I
don't want to explicitly list the input files in there.


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