On 31/07/20 11:03, Christian Kandeler wrote:
> There's probably no harm in adding a "fullName" property containing the 
> string from the Depends item. Possibly it could even be the value of "name", 
> but I'd have to take a closer look to determine what makes more sense 
> semantically.

Maybe we can keep "name" the way it is (after all, it's the name of the
ModuleProvider, so it kind of makes sense that it matches its location)
and add a "dependencyName" property containing the full dependency name.

Incidentally, the following properties of the Depends item could also be
very useful to the module provider:

    submodules : stringList
    versionAtLeast : string
    versionBelow : string

maybe, then, it would make more sense to add a "dependencyInfo" property
as an object containing the three properties above, and the original
"name" from the Depends directive?


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