Le 08/02/2018 à 13:59, Yaniv Kaul a écrit :

On Feb 7, 2018 7:08 PM, "Nicolas Ecarnot" <nico...@ecarnot.net <mailto:nico...@ecarnot.net>> wrote:


    TL; DR : qcow2 images keep getting corrupted. Any workaround?

    Long version:
    This discussion has already been launched by me on the oVirt and
    on qemu-block mailing list, under similar circumstances but I
    learned further things since months and here are some informations :

    - We are using 2 oVirt datacenters, using
    CentOS 7.{2,3} hosts
    - Hosts :
      - CentOS 7.2 1511 :
        - Kernel = 3.10.0 327
        - KVM : 2.3.0-31
        - libvirt : 1.2.17
        - vdsm : 4.17.32-1
      - CentOS 7.3 1611 :
        - Kernel 3.10.0 514
        - KVM : 2.3.0-31
        - libvirt 2.0.0-10
        - vdsm : 4.17.32-1

All are somewhat old releases. I suggest upgrading to the latest RHEL and qemu-kvm bits.

Later on, upgrade oVirt.
Hello Yaniv,

We could discuss for hours about the fact that CentOS 7.3 was released in January 2017, thus not that old. And also discuss for hours explaining the gap between developers' will to push their freshest releases and the curb we - industry users - put on adopting such new versions. In my case, the virtualization infrastructure is just one of the +30 domains I have to master everyday, and the more stable the better. In the setup described previously, the qemu qcow2 images were correct, then not. We did not change anything. We have to find a workaround and we need your expertise.

Not understanding the cause of the corruption threatens us to the same situation in oVirt 4.2.

Nicolas Ecarnot

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