On 13/04/2018 10:01, Kevin Wolf wrote:
>> Or bs->quiescent, for the sake of bikeshedding.
> Yes, that sounds better.
> The only problem with the proposal as I made it is that it's wrong. We
> can't keep bs->quiescent until bdrv_do_drained_end() because the caller
> can issue new requests and then have a nested drained section that needs
> to wait for all requests again instead of deciding that everything is
> already quiescent.
> Maybe where we should really reset it is in the initial recursion of
> bdrv_do_drained_begin(), specifically in bdrv_do_drained_begin_quiesce()
> which is called by both the parent and the child recursion.
> There don't seem to be completely obviously correct solutions (can't an
> I/O thread be draining a specific node while the main loop runs
> drain_all?), but this would probably be the most obvious one.

Or use a hash table?


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