On Thu, 2018-06-07 at 14:49 +0100, Dr. David Alan Gilbert wrote:
> Including the nvram and efi makes me nervous; but I can see why together
> they might work.  However, there's no guarantee that EFI has been tested
> with the QEMU it's used on and ... that could be trouble.

If the QEMU binary doesn't support EFI, then a guest expecting
EFI won't be able to start regardless of where the EFI ROM came

> Also, if we're going to start including the EFI rom then that would have
> to be migrated with the VM so that after a restart on a different host
> it's still using the right ROM that's compatible with it's varfile.

That's a problem that needs to be addressed anyway, because even
as it is now you could easily find yourself trying and failing
to migrate a guest between two hosts that have different and
incompatible EFI ROMs installed.

Andrea Bolognani / Red Hat / Virtualization

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