On Wed 16 Jan 2019 02:15:24 AM CET, james harvey wrote:

> I ran:
> # qemu-img convert /var/lib/libvirt/images/win7.qcow2 -O raw
> /mnt/tmpqcow/win7.raw
> 45 minutes later, qemu-img had been running with 100% CPU every time I
> checked, and it had allocated the raw file, but still hadn't actually
> written a single byte: (note the dd in the VM completed the 90GB in
> about 8 minutes)


> After running this long, I ran strace for 15 seconds, here:
> https://termbin.com/gg9k -- It's repeatedly running lseek with
> SEEK_DATA and SEEK_HOLE.  The SEEK_HOLE always results in 96251936768,
> and SEEK_DATA is different results.

It seems like the problem addressed by this patch:



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