no vde for windows hosts :(

On 10/3/05, Jean-Christian de Rivaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Christian MICHON a écrit :
> > to do so, does that mean we would need to launch a 1st qemu
> > instance which would contain the dhcp server, and next qemu
> > instances would connect to it ?
> >
> > if so, 'qemu -server' and 'qemu -client -connect_to server' could
> > be useful...
> As I understand and with what I know, you can do that now using a
> virtual network (VDE for example). What matter is that fact that two
> qemu instances are connected on the same network. DHCP protocol (like
> any others netowrk protocol) is over that network and is not visible to
> qemu.
> To do what you wants, you have to use to different operating system
> image, one that contains a DHCP server, and the second that contain a
> DHCP client.
> 1) create a virtual switch: "vde_switch -s /tmp/my_switch.ctl"
> 2) start a virtual server: "vdeq -s /tmp/my_switch.ctl qemu-softmmu -hda
> dhcp-server.bin [...]"
> 3) start a virtual client: "vdeq -s /tmp/my_switch.ctl qemu-softmmu -hda
> dhcp-client.bin [...]"
> --
> Jean-Christian de Rivaz
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