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Lars Roland schrieb:
> On 11/4/05, Mike Swanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I've found on systems where traditional rippers don't work (eg,
>>cdparanoia), CDFS has a greater chance of ripping the CDs (by default
>>into WAV, but you can enable an option to rip it in the pure CDDA
>>format if you want).
> Thanks - I should have known that someone had made a file system for
> this. However I still think it would be great to be able to pass the
> actual /dev/cdrom on to the guest OS, but I must admit that I have not
> grasped the complexity yet on doing this, so I am going to do some
> Qemu code reading before continuing - I am not even sure if it can be
> done in VMWare although I  seam to remember that Windows as a host OS
> running VMWare allows the guest access to a audio cdrom.

Not sure how VMware does that; but actually I didn't even succeed
accessing /dev/cdrom on the host when an audio cd is inserted:

dd if=/dev/hdc of=/dev/null bs=2352 count=1
dd: reading `/dev/hdc': Input/output error
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 0.077570 seconds (0 bytes/sec)

I used a blocksize of 2352 because I've read that's the size for audio
cds... It didn't work with bs=1 either.

So maybe Qemu would have to access the cd drive on a lower level than
via /dev/cdrom?

Just my 2 cents,
Oliver Gerlich
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


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