Kazu wrote:

Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 4:23 PM Drlik Zbynek wrote:

My external device is connected with serial port and use hardware flow
control - it can switch beetwen DTR/DSR or RTS/CTS. I have instaled
winxp and win98 for multiplatform testing in qemu but my aplication - if
i wont to communicate must by set to "no flow control". In that case it
could by read from device without lost data, write isn't funcional -
much data lost.
When I set up some control - state of DTR or RTS are still down and
communication isn't allowed.
Qemu run under linux. When I run application in normaly installed
windows without qemu, the application run perfectly with any of that
Is there any possibility to correct this?
Thanks. Drlik Zbynek.

It is a quck hack for it.
It seems that it only set dtr, rts to always on but still doesn't reflect state on real port - now I can put hw flow control ON but the data is still loosing and it is not possible to write to device


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